Sager Group Company Ltd.

MEDIQUA The Best Solutions For
Hospital Systems

Mediqua Life Science Solutions

As an international reference company for the medical area, we offer an entire range of products to take care of all the needs of our customers and a precious support in the complex management of the hospital systems, providing the correct advices in the supply phase of the medical devices, following the after sales key phase and supporting our partners from the training to the daily management of all these advanced devices, always keeping innovating and conforming our wide know-how to the constantly changing and growing medical reality.

Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD)


In the dirty area all the instruments and used devices arrive from the various departments and operating theaters that need to be reprocessed to be used again. In this first phase the transition to the clean area occur thanks to a disinfection process. In addition, a manual pre-wash and an ultrasound treatment could be needed.


After the washing phase and automatic disinfection the goods are safe to be handled, although not sterile. In the clean area the instruments that come out from the disinfectors are packed, to be prepared to the following process in the sterilizer. 


lnside some centers this area is separateci from the esso. lnside this area there are machines that guarantee the high disinfection, or, as in the case of Mediqua, the sterilization of the endoscopes.


Following the sterilization process, the instruments are now available to be delivered right away in the piace of use or they are stored waiting to be used.




Steam high temperature sterilizer for hospital application

The steam sterilizers I CAN STEAM are designed for a simple and effective experience for the operators, thanks to the touch screen user friendly interface.

Click for more information

PS H2O2 Low-temperature Plasma Sterilizer