Sager Group Company Ltd.

Investing for a Sustainable Future.


Investing for a Sustainable Future

The investment arm of the Sager Group manages a diverse investment portfolio by employing a Multi-Asset Investment Strategy for maximized return on investments. By focusing on profitable businesses and ventures, both local and international, we have acquired sustainability, growth, and diversification in all our investment operations.

To achieve our desired outcomes, we have been

Investing in opportunities offering long term returns at lower volatility

Expanding our investment spectrum to international markets

Attaining consistent profit from every single type of investment

Developing a flexible, dynamic, and versatile investment portfolio

Types of Investments

Direct Investments

Our investments in various industries have helped us aim for and identify well-established companies capable of offering high returns. We move forward with our investments seeking greater opportunities for the future.

Alternative Investments

In addition to traditional investments, Sager Group also invests in private equities, venture capital, and other types of alternative investments to generate funds and increase the group’s wealth.